After you click on the global settings of Everest Forms under EverestForms > Settings, you will see a premium sidebar. Click on Get the Everest Forms Pro to see the details of Everest Forms Plans.

General Settings are basically settings that can be customized if needed which apply to all of your created forms. Here is a simple explanation of what each option is for. You can access the General Form Settings Page from Dashboard→Everest Forms→Settings→General

Disable User Details #
You can disable storing the IP address and the User Agent on all the forms.
Enable Log #
Store the form logs by enabling this option. Enabling logs will help you debug the issue if you face any. To check the logs, please go to Everest Forms > Tools > Logs.

Enable scheduled entry delete #

Enable this option and select the amount of days to delete the stored entries.
Admin Approval Entries #
This option sends an approval email to the admin so that they can approve or deny the user entries. You can choose the admin email or any custom email as the receiver. You can customize the email subject and the content. Moreover, you can also set the admin entries approval or denied waiting time in days along with the option to automatically delete the entry.