There are many types of forms that you can create for your WordPress site. And, not all of these forms will be in use at a certain time. So, what do you do? With Everest Forms, you can now disable a form in a single click.
Yes, you can disable any of your forms from the dashboard with just a click of a button. If you want to know how just follow the instruction below.
Go to the Everest Forms tab and click on All Forms. Here, you can view, preview, edit and trash all the forms that you have created. In front of the form names, you can see a toggle button.
Just click on the button to disable a form. So easy, isn’t it?
But wait! What happens to your form after it’s disabled?
In the General Settings of your form. You can see the Form Disabled Message option. The default text here is “This form is disabled.”
After you disable a form, this text is displayed on the page or post where the form was added.
But, you can change the text to whatever you want to display when your form is disabled.